Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is That All? and a Minor Setback

Yes, this is all that I have done so far.  I have all those pieces to sort yet!  There are about 13 loose categories that I am sorting into.  I haven't had many chances to go and work on it.  But when I do, time flies!

Here is why I'm not as far along as I should be:
Diana, 19 months, got up at the table and started MIXING MY ALREADY SORTED BUCKETS!  Of course some made it on the floor, under the bed, under the dresser and hope chest.  I PRAY that I have found them all.  I barely caught her digging her hand into one bucket and putting it in another.  Thus I had to resort many of the buckets.  That was very discouraging.  It took a lot of time.

But I'm back at it and things are going well.  I am trying a new strategy.  Before, I was filling one of those buckets full of pieces and sorting it one by one.  But there were so many pieces that I just did not know how to sort.  I couldn't tell if it was a balloon, a boat or a fish!  Maybe a planet or sky.  Who knows?  So I just started looking through the unsorted box and pulling out the very recognizable pieces.  Balloons, stars, clown fish and the top of the water are the easiest.  I will still have to sort all the others later, but I got a lot of pieces sorted this way in a short amount of time!  I was throwing in handfulls of like pieces instead of one at a time.

Here is my time tracker:  I'm lucky if I get to work on it for 45 minutes or more a day.
As you can see, as of last night, I have just over 7 hours in.  OF SORTING!  This is ridiculous! LOL  If I spent 7 hours on a 1,000 piece puzzle, I'd have it pretty near done if not completely.  There are some big gaps in days that I get to work on it.  It's sad.  I am determined to work more often.  Our outside commitments have lessened, so hopefully that will help me get in more.


  1. Ohhh Cortney! I wanted to cry when I saw your pics of your "minor setback"! I am so afraid that's going to happen to me with Derek when he gets old enough to start walking and getting into things. I pray that you have found all the missing pieces too. I keep thinking about that too....how I would cry and cry if I got the whole thing put together and found out I was missing several pieces. One might be pretty easy to get replaced by Educa, but if you were to lose say 10 pieces - UGH! Hopefully though that won't happen for either one of us! Keeping fingers crossed.

    That's cool that you're keeping a written log of your puzzling. I was going to do a written one and then decided to just do it in my blog instead.

    Seven hours of just sorting doesn't sound unreasonable considering you have 24,000 pieces to sort all ata once. You're probably making pretty good progress if the box lid full of pieces is all you have left to sort.

  2. But it's a very full lid! Over all everything is going well. There was an Asian lady that kept a log like that and I thought it was a good idea. Kind of holding me accountable.

    I do my puzzle in the bedroom so I can shut the door. Obviously it wasn't tight when she got in there. Oh well. No major harm done.
