Friday, April 19, 2013

15 to LIFE

That sounds like a prison sentence doesn't it?  Sometimes this agreement that I made with myself, to finish all the other smaller puzzles before returning to LIFE, feels like a prison sentence.  SOMETIMES.  Most of the time, I am just dredging through the pile of puzzles.  I have 14 to go since I finished the 15th last night.

1,000 pieces
I really enjoyed doing this puzzle because the pieces are all very irregular.  It does add a dimension of difficulty, but the kind I welcome.  It was a fairly easy puzzle with the most annoying part being the sky, naturally.  But Mister Man double teamed with me on it so it made it more fun and got done faster.  I'm promising Penny that I will let my husband help with these last 14 to help it go faster.  I don't want him helping on LIFE, but for these other ones anyone can help.  Even my nine-year-old likes to put in pieces.
Anyways, this is the countdown to LIFE.  14 to go!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


So I took a little time out to have a baby!
She is 5 months old tomorrow and had her first taste of carrots today.  We call her "Pixie" on account of her being so petite.  She's long, but thin.  All my other babies were chunkers.  LOL  But she makes number five so working on puzzles has not been at the top of my list.  She is getting to be more content now so I have snipets of time.

I did finish a 750-piece tonight.  It was one my boys got me for Christmas.  It's taken quite awhile to do it.  I don't even remember when I started it. 
Isn't it such a pretty picture?  My boys have good taste.  My husband and oldest son helped some.  I had to force myself to get it done because I had to move my Puzzle table to my new..........................................................
 Puzzle Room!!

This picture is taken from the hallway looking into our front living room which we actually use as a dining room.  It's big enough that I used four tall bookshelves as a room divider (on right facing the dining area) and put two cabinets (one has the remainder of my puzzles) and of course the puzzle table.  My work computer is in the corner and my honey bought me the ergonomic chair for Christmas.  I even have a small part of the bay window in my little "room". I already pulled out my next puzzle.  You can see it on the table.  That gives you a little glimpse of what the next one is.  PROVIDED that all the pieces are there.  I have done numerous puzzle with missing pieces but I don't even bother to post them.  It's annoying but I've ranted about that before.  So I won't go there again.

Anyways I plan to put up a tension rod with a curtain for a door.  I'm going to TRY to train the kiddos that when the curtain is closed, Mom is unavailable.  Did I just hear you snicker? or did you outright guffaw?  I did say TRY!

I have a friend who has been badgering me to get back to the puzzles so I can get a move on the Life puzzle.  She is also putting the Life puzzle together and it's fun to have someone to do it with.  Here is her blog if you'd like to follow her progress too.  Penny's Life Blog

Thanks for being patient and waiting for me and not giving up on me.  I'm excited to get back in the game.  Hopefully the new room will help encourage me.  And Penny too. :)