Sunday, June 30, 2013

All in the Family

My four-year-old daughter love to do puzzles too!  She did have Grandma's help, but she's still very good at them.

Princess and her Grandma.  This Lion King puzzle has 200 pieces, well...minus two.  Found at a rummage sale.

This 48-piece dinosaur puzzle she did completely by herself. 

 All done! She's so adorable!

 King Tut's Tomb had 100 pieces and this one was hard for her.  Grandma helped her quite a bit on this one.

 Almost done...

 Last piece!
 All done!
  Kind of a pretty puzzle.  It'd be tough if it were 1,000 pieces with all that gold.
I love it that my kiddos like puzzling too.  We all like to work on them together.  Often when I'm working on one of mine, at least one or two of the kids will ask to come and help me.  They usually don't have the patience after they try a couple pieces.  That's okay.  I'm glad they try.


  1. This is awesome! She is SOOOO cute! I love the long pig tails. What a doll...and so smart too. That's wonderful that's she's so into doing the puzzles. Derek is into them a little bit. He knows how to put together some simple ones. I need to try one of those big kiddie ones and see how he does. I bet he would like it too.

    1. Thanks, Penny. She is a doll. And she KNOWS it! Puzzles are one of those things I think all kids should start early... like reading.

  2. Ditto what Penny said! Too cute!
