Saturday, July 28, 2012

Puzzle Jokes

Most of the puzzle jokes on the web are similar to the one I posted before about some blonde or farmer putting a puzzle together in a long period of time when the box says for some young age.  When I first read that joke it was very cute and funny.  But it is the most common jigsaw puzzle joke out there.  So I thought I would search out a new one for you. 

Here is a cute one: (I'm blonde, so I can pick on them.)

A blonde calls her boyfriend and says "You've got to come over here and help me with this killer jigsaw puzzle! I don't know how to get it started!!" Her boyfriend asks "What's it supposed to be when it's done?" The blonde replies "According to the box, it's supposed to be a tiger."So her boyfriend comes over and the blonde shows him the puzzle spread all over the table. He examines the pieces for a moment and then looks at the box and says "First of all, I suggest you make a cup of strong coffee and then we'll put all these frosted flakes back in the box!"



P.S. Just doing an extended search of puzzles jokes and these two are the only ones I could find.  So if you have some or find new ones, please share!  I will keep looking though.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Courtney! I just found your blog through Penny. Love this joke. My wife and I are puzzle heads too:
