Saturday, July 28, 2012

More "Other" Puzzles

I feel like I have a little bit of an OCD going on here that I'm insisting on getting these other puzzles done before LIFE.  But at least I am getting them done and getting them out of my house.  Nice thing is people are actually buying them at our rummage sale.  I'm not putting much on for prices: about $.50 for 500 pieces or less and $1.00 for 1000 or more.  Knowing that all the pieces are there I think those are phenominal prices considering you're paying around $10 for a basic 500 piece at Walmart. 

I refuse to buy brand new puzzles if I can avoid it.  When I go to thrift stores I always check the puzzles.  If the boxes are unopened I buy them regardless.  (Unless I really hate the picture, which is rare.)  If they are really cheap, I'm talking $.50 or less, then I might pick them up anyways on the chance that the pieces might not all be there.  That's why I have so many.

My husband likes to organize stuff. (He is a melancholy according to Florence Littauer.) So being that I am 6-months pregnant, I asked him to climb up into the closet to find the next lowest number puzzle I had and get it down for me.  While he did that, he sorted all the puzzles by piece-number size.  I almost wish he hadn't because he then told me that I had something like 20+ 500-piece puzzles.  WOW!  That's alot.  I know there are some 1,000-piece and one 5,000 piece as well.  So this project is going to take me awhile.

For now, here are some new puzzles that I've done recently:

500 Pieces 7-28-12
750 pieces 7-29-12  Mary Ann Falls, Nova Scotia

750 pieces 8-04-12 Carnival in Venice

1,000 pieces 08-08-12 La Muse

1,000 pieces 09-15-12 Countryside Pub


  1. You're pregnant?! Congratulations!!! This is baby number 5, right? Boy or girl or do you want to be surprised?

    Wow, that is a lot of puzzles. Why would you rather work on those though instead of the Life puzzle? Is it just because these can be done quickly?

  2. Oops, I just saw a comment from you on a previous post that pretty much answered all the questions I just asked you again above. LOL Sorry about that. Somehow I'd missed that comment earlier. So you can ignore the comment above for the most part.
