Thursday, January 2, 2014

Trying Again

I am officially trying to restart my puzzling passion.  I know that the passion has always been there, just not the time.  With the baby starting to sleep better at night and the holidays over and being that I put a nice-sized table in my bedroom I am making a full-blown attempt to work hard on these puzzles. 

Here is something my husband and I whipped off in about 30 minutes last night:
300 pieces
It was good to get one and done out of the way.  Plus it's quality time with Mr. Man!


  1. Nice. So now how many are left until you get back to Life?

  2. Hi Cortney! Long time no hear. I hope all is well with you and your family. Are you due soon with your newest addition to the family? I was thinking some time in September, right? Are you still puzzling or do you even have any free minutes to do that? I don't know how long it's been since you took a peek at my blog, but it has changed A LOT! So, if you get a few seconds, please take a look. You can still access it from your old bookmark, or you can go to the new domain...

    Hope to hear from you sometime soon.


  3. Hi Cortney...long time no hear. How are things going for you with your big, beautiful family? Hope all is well. Do you get any time at all to puzzle these days? I finally finished the 3rd section of the life puzzle. So, I'm just down to the final section. I believe that I can finish it sometime this year. It may take me close to (or just past) the 5 year point, but it has been such a fantastic journey. I cannot wait to finish it, and finally be able to move on to something new. Penny
