Sunday, May 26, 2013

Great deal on 32,000 pieces

I bought it!  YES I DID!  I did it!

Double Retrospect 32,000

It retails on Amazon for $300.  I had it in my wishlist to watch because the price would go up and down between $220 and $320.  The lowest I had seen it was $202.  I figured if I watched it daily I would be able to get it again at this good price. Everyday it was up and down, up and down and finally settled for a couple days on $265.  Obviously no good.  But one morning I checked it and it was $162!!  I called my husband right away (we don't buy anything over $50 without consulting each other, it helps keep our finances in check).  After I told him all this, he just said, "BUY IT!"  So I did!  I have the Amazon credit card (which is paid off every month.  I do not believe in finance charges.) and I had about $35 of credits on there.  I ended up getting the puzzle for $126!  We have Amazon Prime too, so FREE SHIPPING! 

It came FedEx.  The carrier couldn't believe it was a puzzle considering how heavy it was.  I did open the box to double check that's what was in there, but I haven't taken it out.  I put it in the back of the closet and will do the final unveiling when LIFE is done.

It might seem crazy to buy it now and put it away for later, but it only makes sense to save so much money.

I still think it's ugly, but it's all for the CHALLENGE my friend.  All for the challenge.


  1. Welcome to the CLUB! Congrats on the good find! I have done section A already and I actually really love this puzzle. The quality is fantastic (best of any large format puzzle I have done so far) How far are already on life?

  2. That is an awesome deal! If I could have spent the money at the time I would have taken advantage of it, but I just can't justify spending that kind of money right now...especially after having just bought two other ones.

    I feel the same way about the puzzle though...I still think it's ugly too, and I would donate it to a hospital or somewhere as I really have no desire to hang it up in my house.

