Sunday, June 16, 2013

You Just Have to TAKE the Time!

That's what my husband always says.  You can't MAKE time, you can't FIND more time, if there is something you want to do you must TAKE the time.  So today, I TOOK the time to finish this Dolomite Mountains puzzle. 

Mr. Man helped quite a bit on this one.  The two older boys helped right at the very end when there were only 30 or so pieces left.  It was your basic straight forward puzzle with LOTS of orange.  Annoying really.

Dolomite Mountains, Italy
1,000 pieces
Picture quality isn't very good. I have a phenomenal camera that I really have no idea how to use, but I never am able to take a good picture of a puzzle at night using the regular house lights.   Flash adds the obvious flash spots.  During the day with natural lighting seems to be the best, but I usually finish a puzzle at night, thus producing nighttime photos.  So if you have any suggestions on how to capture these better without odd coloring and/or shadows, please share!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe just wait until the next morning to take the picture when you have better lighting. Then you can take the puzzle apart at that time. Savor in the victory of another one down for just a little while....are you down to just 13 more before Life now?
