Friday, September 3, 2010

I Started Puzzling!

I still have lots more to sort:

I filled up some buckets:

So I HAD to start putting together one bucket so I had an empty one to use:

This is the island, lighthouse, sheep, etc right in the center of the puzzle.  It was frustrating, because as I was putting it together, I realized that there must be lots more in my sorting box yet because I'm still missing so many.

YAY! My first pieces together!  LOL

That's what it is all about: taking baby steps!  I will get there, I will get there.  I KNOW I can.  I KNOW I can.   Now back to sorting!


  1. Woo hoo! Your first two pieces together! Congrats!!!! That's got to be a great feeling especially after discovering there's a ton more lighthouse and sheep in your still unsorted pile. LOL How many more pieces would you estimate you have left to sort? Also sounds like you need to go out and buy more buckets! Hee hee

    I will be posting new pics here in a few minutes. I got a chance to work on it quite a bit the last two nights after Derek went to bed. Most of the balloons are at least halfway (some more) finished.

    Do you think you'll get a chance to work on it more this weekend?

  2. If I had to take a guess, I would say around 9,000 pieces more?? Not really sure. I will definately work on it this weekend. It's actually chilly here in Wisconsin. I don't think we have broken 60 degrees today yet. Which is weird being that it has been so hot lately. So we'll be inside this evening. Puzzle Time!

  3. Wow that is a bit chilly for still being the end of summer. I think I need to come to Wisconsin! I love the cold weather. It's too hot in Florida most of the time. LOL 9,000 pieces left...that's not SO least when you compare it to what you started out with. Did you put more than just the first two pieces together yet or are you waiting until you have it all sorted to do more actual puzzling?
